
Enhlabeni Pre School

Macmillan Education Eswatini has joined the rest of the global community to celebrate 180 years since the publishing company started. Macmillan believes in ploughing back to society as a responsible corporate citizen. The company decided to revamp a preschool in the countryside of the Lubombo region in Siteki. The place was in dire need of a proper structure for preschool learners. As a company, we understand the importance of pre-primary education; thus, we align ourselves well with the changing structures of the education system in the country. Pre-primary education has been highlighted as a prerequisite for a child to enter Grade 1, yet many areas struggle to have proper preschools. It was from this end, therefore, that the company decided to revamp Enhlabeni Pre School. The project included painting, replacement of window glasses, flooring, chalkboard installation, flashboards and gutters. The company also donated preschool books.