Macmillan Readers: The Truth Machine
The Macmillan Readers Beginner level information is carefully controlled, with pictures explaining some of the difficult vocabulary. The Truth Machine is a story about a professor who has created a machine which makes people tell the truth. Everyone wants to use the machine but what will be the consequences?
- ISBN: 9781405072540
- English Type: British English
The-Truth-Machine-Worksheet (PDF File, 68.05KB)
The_Truth_Machine_Worksheet_Answer_Key (PDF File, 39.37KB)
The_Truth_Machine_-_Test_Sheet (PDF File, 72.09KB)
The_Truth_Machine_-_Test_Answer_Key (PDF File, 44.11KB)
Key features
- Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary
- Some difficult words and phrases are explained with pictures
- The book has around 600 basic words for Beginner-level students