English for Law Enforcement

Covers the full range of law enforcement situations

The latest addition to the Campaign suite of titles, this course is designed to meet the needs of law enforcement personnel, from customs officers to gendarmes and police. Topics and texts have been carefully selected from a variety of law enforcement contexts and all content has been verified by law enforcement officers from all over the globe, including Germany, Spain and the UK.

Key features

  • An accurate and up-to-date examination of current issues facing law enforcers and the language needed to deal with those issues.
  • Lively and stimulating language practice of the core vocabulary and functional language for the main branches of law enforcement activity. 
  • An integrated self-study CD-ROM including interactive language practice and consolidation of key language points.
  • Accompanying self-study resources for the student’s book available from www.macmillanenglish.com/englishforlawenforcement

Student's Book Pack

The Student’s Book covers the full range of essential law enforcement situations including vehicle identification, stop and search, crowd control and issuing statements. The accompanying CD-ROM provides interactive grammar and vocabulary practice, and an intensive workout of situational language in context.

Teacher's Book

The Teacher’s Book provides detailed background information for those less familiar with the law enforcement world. A detailed 'briefing' double page spread provides the background and introduction to each unit.

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