
Online Language Teacher Education

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Online Language Teacher Education

Online Language Teacher Education – A review of the literature

This research paper is a review of the literature in the field of online language teacher education, commissioned by the Association for Quality Education and Training Online and written by Denise E. Murray (Macquarie University) and MaryAnn Christison (University of Utah).

The paper:

  • defines online learning;
  • looks into both the purpose of learning online and the reasons for choosing online education over face-to-face study;
  • examines teacher attitudes towards online learning;
  • explores existing frameworks in online language teacher education;
  • and makes recommendations for designing and delivering online courses.

Please click on the link under ‘Related resources’ below to download the paper in PDF format.


Aqueduto (The Association for QUality EDUcation and Training Online) is a charitable organisation dedicated to:

  • evaluating blended and online training courses against a quality assurance framework
  • representing providers of such courses in a crowded marketplace, varying in quality
  • helping professionals identify such courses, and enrol with confidence

One of the founding members of Aqueduto is NILE, the Norwich Institute for Language Education. Find out more about Macmillan Education’s partnership with NILE here: www.macmillanenglish.com/nile/

Related resources

Click the link above to download this research report on online language education for teachers.

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