Welcome to Advancing Futures, a comprehensive programme designed to introduce the topics of global citizenship, sustainability, diversity, equity and inclusion into classrooms around the world. It helps teachers share knowledge, develop skills and promote attitudes and actions to bring about positive and lasting change. It engages students with key elements of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and empowers them to work towards a fairer, more sustainable future.

What's New

Changing the world from our classrooms. A series of live online lessons for students by Change Makers Ambassador Harry Waters.

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The Four Pillars of Advancing Futures

Advancing Futures is built on four key pillars: Resources for Teachers, Change Makers for students, our content and our commitment to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Click or hover over each tile to find out more.

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Download our Global Citizenship white paper


Find out more about Global Citizenship Education, its place in the ELT classroom and how Macmillan Education is helping translate theory into practice with its unique Framework for Global Citizenship Education.

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Advancing Futures and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Advancing Futures programme focuses on three key elements of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Global Citizenship, Sustainability and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  It will provide teachers with readymade classroom resources to address these themes in the classroom, and include them in their everyday teaching and learning practice. We hope it will also inspire both teachers and students to play an active role in building a better, fairer, more inclusive and sustainable future. 

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship Education is a strategic area of UNESCO’s Education Sector programme. It builds the knowledge and thinking skills necessary to better understand today’s world and its complexities. It also develops the values, attitudes and social skills that will enable learners to live together with others, respectfully and peacefully. It inspires conduct, performance, practical application and engagement. 


Education for Sustainability develops the knowledge, skills, values and world-views necessary for learners to act in ways that contribute to a more sustainable way of living. It is futures-oriented, and informs actions, requiring consideration of environmental, social, cultural and economic systems, and their interdependence. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Appreciating all the ways in which we differ, promoting fair treatment, access and opportunity, as well as providing scenarios in which diverse individuals have a voice, power and decision-making authority, affects the way students think. It boosts creativity and innovation, and develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It promotes tolerance, instills respect for others and fosters positive relationships both inside and outside the classroom.