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Teacher Professional Development Space

Welcome to the new professional development space designed to help you gain new insights into teaching teens. Here you’ll have the opportunity to learn, test your own knowledge and collect certificates along the way. So delve in! Choose the videos you want to watch, in the order and at the time you want to watch them. Watch each video and then take the short quiz to receive your certificates. It’s as simple and convenient as that!




Watch the video of your choice, click on the topic below then take the quiz and collect your certificate.

Exams and Teenagers: Facing the Facts

For most teenage students, exams are stressful, tiring, dull and seemingly pointless. However, it’s fair to say that exams are an inescapable part of their, and their teachers’, lives. So, when life gives you lemons, students and teachers have no choice but to make lemonade. This practical session examines how we can turn exam negatives into positives, helping our students not only to get excellent exam results but also to learn useful life skills and to remain fresh, keen and motivated learners of English.


Learning to think, Thinking to learn

In this webinar Dave Spencer looks at practical ways to develop Thinking Skills with teenagers. He examines a number of simple classroom routines that can encourage our students to get into the habit of thinking critically, creatively and collaboratively, skills that are becoming ever more useful both in and outside the classroom.


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the Secondary Classroom

Would you like to be able to help your teenage students build up their confidence and self-esteem, manage their levels of stress and anxiety better, become more resilient and open-minded, communicate and collaborate more effectively, empathise more, and listen more closely to one another? In this session, Dave Spencer examines different ways to start developing all of these skills by paying attention to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the English classroom.


Keep calm and carry on teaching teens

Dave Spencer is sharing some of his ideas about how teachers can best manage and motivate teenagers, considering key issues such as mixed abilities, discipline, online learning and effective lesson planning, suggesting both general approaches and concrete classroom activities. He also examines what teenagers themselves think makes a great teacher.


On closer examination

Exams and tests are part of everyday life for teenage students, whether they be regular evaluation exams, external exams to gain a qualification in English, or university entrance exams. This session will investigate both the positive and negative impact that exams can have on our students and then go on to explore ways to help them to pass their exams with flying colours whilst remaining positive and motivated, and avoiding exam ‘tunnel vision’.


Learning for life

In this session we will look at how to prepare teenage students for life in the 21st Century. We will look at how and why we should teach Life Skills, Thinking Skills, and Social and Emotional Learning. The ultimate aim of teaching these various skills is to help teenagers to cope with the pressures of life at school and university and also to succeed and blossom in life beyond the classroom.


Collaborative Learning: From Local to Global

In this session you can look at how we can develop collaboration between individual students to former stronger groups. You can also see one way in which we can even get classes from different parts of the world working together on projects.