We are immensely proud to bring you a roster of some of the best ELT professionals from around the world. Here they are, in all their glory!

Mónica Rodriguez Salvo is a graduate teacher of English and a Sworn Public translator. She holds a post- graduate degree in Human Resources Management by Universidad de Belgrano and is as a certified and accredited Neurolanguage Coach .Monica is also a Mindfulness practitioner graduated from University of California (UCLA) and holds a diploma in Social and Emotional Learning from San Diego University.  She currently runs her own company, InspirED Consultora Educativa, reaching out to thousands of participants and students around the world.As an international speaker she has presented extensively in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, UK, Peru, Germany, France, Spain,Mexico, Greece and United States  with plenary, semi plenary and workshop sessions.She is a University teacher at UCA, Universidad Austral and Universidad Siglo 21.She is a guest Professor at Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina.

Read about Mónica's session: Building Bonds: Enhancing Teen Learning through Social Connections

Alicja Gałązka is a professor at the University of Silesia, a psychotherapist, psychologist, linguist, a licensed coach, and an international master trainer. A President of ICI (International Coaching Institute) in Poland and a head of the Language Centre FUTURE in Poland, she is an author of over 300 articles published in Polish and English and numerous books. An active member of IDEA, National Drama Association and IATEFL. Alicja has been researching and practising drama for years. Her main interest is psychology and drama in the ELT classroom. A coordinator and participant of many international projects. Coordinator of two SIGs: Psychology in ELT and Drama in ELT in IATEFL Poland.   A regional adviser for Trinity College London in Poland, teacher trainer cooperating with many international educational organisations.  Working in two main sectors: Medicine and Education. She actively works with teachers, school managers and pupils on developing their well-being and resilience.

Read about Alicja's session: Navigating Big Emotions from Childhood to Teenhood

Karolina Kotorowicz is an ELT author, teacher trainer and (first and foremost) an experienced teacher. Karolina has been professionally involved in ELT in a variety of ways – as a teacher of English at various levels of proficiency, a coach maximizing the potential of both teachers-to-be as well as experienced educators and an assistant professor at an English Department at UMCS in Lublin running methodology-related courses.  

Karolina’s academic interests include receptive skills, from the perspective of both psycholinguistics and strategy training. She believes in brain-friendly teaching and task engagement as the key elements of effective language learning.

Read about Karolina's session: Learning to fly: Learner autonomy in exam preparation