We’re looking for a project that brings people together through learning English - It could be you!
This unique competition in memory of our dear friend Simon Greenall, offers a chance to gain resources and mentoring to help you launch and establish your local or international project.

How can the Award help your project?

The Award aims to help and support the project through mentoring, publicity, funding (up to £1,500), and connection and visibility within the wider ELT community. The mix of these will depend on the nature and needs of the project.

The award can help you to:

  • Bring your project to life with the support of the international ELT community
  • Benefit your chosen community
  • Meet and learn from ELT experts and specialists
  • Bring people together through learning English
  • Make a sustainable difference to the world 

Simon Greenall, OBE, friend of the global ELT community. 
This Award is inspired by Simon’s life and work.

How do you enter?

  1. Ensure you’ve read and understood the terms and conditions. 
  2. Tell us why your project is worth supporting by making a short video (2 mins max) that explains how your project will bring people together through learning English and benefit your community. Once you’re happy with your video and you’ve saved it in an acceptable format you can send it to us 
  3. Complete the entry form and attach your video to the entry form. Submit both on your Google Account
  4. If you have a different account, download the Entry form for non-Google account users and send it to sgaward@ihlondon.com and use a free of charge file transfer service like WeTransfer to send your video to sgaward@ihlondon.com
  5. Your entry form and video must be with us by midnight on Friday 31st March 2023 to be considered for judging. We’ll announce the winners on Friday 2nd June 2023, so keep an eye on your inbox! 

If you have questions you can email at: sgaward@ihlondon.com

The winner of the first Simon Greenall Award 2021 was:

The Dau Dau coordinated by Dr Sirhajwan Idek, Nurazilah Othman and Sydney Engelbert Ganggang of Keningau Vocational College in Sabah, Malaysia.
The Dau Dau project is an integrated arts endeavour to help students become writers, performers and artists using short stories, flash fictions, poems, comics, and songs relating to the indigenous cultures in Sabah, Malaysia.
It uses the medium of English and incorporates ethnic cultures, languages, and contemporary issues. The project brings people together through learning English - a key criterion for the award, and is inclusive of learning abilities and modes, for example staging a sign language poetry performance by students with hearing impairment.
The 2021 winners (The Dau Project) were mentored by Jill and Charles Hadfield over six one-hour monthly sessions. They helped the Dau Dau team develop their project by acting as a 'sounding board' for ideas and suggestions, offering feedback on activities, and putting the Dau Dau team in touch with other valuable projects and resources. The Dau Dau Project has been shortlisted for the ELTons local innovation award 2022, and has gained recognition locally and internationally.

The two runners up in the first Simon Greenall Award 2021 were:

A project to create podcasts to promote and celebrate linguistic diversity in English and show students around the world that their "accents" tell powerful stories.
A programme to set up effective language teaching methods for learners with Specific Learning Differences.

Terms and Conditions