Developing a growth mindset amongst teachers
Chia Suan Chong is a teacher trainer, an intercultural skills trainer, and a materials writer. She has been English Teaching Professional’s award-winning resident blogger since 2012 and is also a featured columnist in their bimonthly magazine. Chia is a regular ELT conference speaker and holds a DELTA and a Masters in Applied Linguistics and ELT.
What is a growth mindset and how is it different from a fixed one? Perhaps you talk to your students about having a growth mindset but do you apply it to your own continuing professional development? Or perhaps you run a staffroom full of teachers with fixed mindsets and you don’t know where to start making a change. Because growth mindsets are not only for students but for teachers too. In this webinar, Chia will consider the benefits of a growth mindset and how we can try and apply it to ourselves and the teachers around us.