ESDC lessons

A selection of specially designed ESDC lessons that each address one or more standards of our GCE framework. All with detailed teacher’s notes.

Articles & Blogs

On-Demand Webinars

Mar 18 2021

Putting Global Citizenship Education into practice

In this webinar, Jonathan Hadley explores how to put the theory behind GCE into the ELT classroom practice.

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Mar 03 2021

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the Secondary Classroom

This session examines different ways to start developing students' resilience by paying attention to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the English classroom.

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Feb 18 2021

Let’s talk about inclusion in online learning

In this session, Laura Patsko talks about building fairer classrooms after the Covid-19 crisis.

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Feb 18 2021

How to create an inclusive classroom environment

In this webinar, Nick Beare looks at teaching techniques we can use to get maximum involvement from our students.

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Feb 12 2021

Global Citizenship Education: What, why and how?

In this discussion, Matt Hayes and Jonathan Hadley discuss what GCE is, why it has emerged in recent years and how it can be integrated into English language teaching.

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Feb 12 2021

Learning to think, Thinking to learn

In this webinar Dave Spencer looks at practical ways to develop Thinking Skills with teenagers.

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Feb 11 2021

Q&A: Advancing Inclusivity

In this Q&A, Nathan Waller answers questions about Inclusivity.

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Jan 29 2020

Students without Borders: Educating Global Citizens

This webinar provides practical ideas for including global citizenship education in our classrooms.

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Mar 05 2019

Breaking Down Barriers To Learning

This session is for teachers of English as a Foreign Language who are looking to support all learners in the inclusive classroom setting.

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