
A helping hand costs nothing, but it can make a priceless impact on the world

At Macmillan Education Vietnam, we believe in the power of giving back to our community. It's not just about being a part of the academic and publishing world; it's also about contributing to the betterment of society. As a part of the ongoing "180 Days of Giving Back" campaign, our team Blue Melia, Ngan Quach, Phuong Nguye, Vy Le, Minh Tuan Dang recently embarked on a heartwarming journey to Te Phan Home, a haven for disabled orphans in our community. This is the story of how we spent a Friday afternoon, sharing love, cookies, milk, and homemade Pho with these incredible children.

A Special Friday Afternoon

On a rainy Friday late afternoon, our Vietnam team eagerly gathered for a different kind of mission. Armed with smiles, warm hearts, cookies, milk, and a huge pot of homemade Pho, we were ready to make a difference in the lives of those who needed it the most. Te- Phan Home, located in a small alley in district 3, Ho Chi Minh City, is a sanctuary for disabled orphans, a place that offers love, care, and hope to children who have faced unimaginable challenges.

Connecting Through Food and Conversation

As we arrived at Te Phan Home, we were greeted by the children, each with a unique and heartwarming story to tell. The smiles on their faces lit up the room and instantly warmed our hearts. The sound of laughter and joy filled the air as we sat down with them to share hugs and smiles.

But the highlight of our visit was undoubtedly the homemade Pho cooked by the volunteer angels. The children's eyes lit up as the aroma filled the room with the yummy smell of the Pho Pot. There's something profoundly connecting about sharing a meal together. It transcends language barriers and creates bonds that go beyond words.

Sharing Talks and Hugs 

While waiting for Pho to be served, we engaged in conversations with the children. We learned about their dreams, aspirations, and the challenges they face. Their resilience and determination in the face of adversity left a lasting impression on us. Hugs were exchanged freely, breaking down any remaining barriers between us. It was a day filled with warmth, compassion, and an overwhelming sense of community.

The Power of Giving Back

Our visit to Te Phan Home was a poignant reminder of the power of giving back. As part of Springer Nature Group, we are not just dedicated to Advancing Learning, we are also committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those in our community. The "180 Days of Giving Back" campaign is a testament to our dedication to social responsibility. It's about going beyond the confines of our workplace and reaching out to those who can benefit from our support, love, and care. The visit to Te Phan Home for disabled orphans was a heartwarming experience for all of us at Macmillan Education Vietnam. We are grateful for the opportunity to connect with these incredible children, share a meal, and spread love and positivity. Our commitment to giving back to the community remains unwavering, and we look forward to more meaningful experiences like this in the future. In the end, it's not just about the cookies, milk, or Pho we shared; it's about the bonds we formed, the smiles we brought, and the love we shared. Together, we can make a difference, one act of kindness at a time, and together, we are Vietnam team at Macmillan Education, part of Springer Nature Group.

As a goodbye, listening to "Bonjour Vietnam" performed by Talented Nhi who was born blind but has an angle voice and gifted piano talent.