South Africa

Home of Hope for Girls

Home of Hope for Girls, a registered charity, was founded by Mam Khanya in 2000 and offers a safe home for survivors of abusive situations, predominantly linked to child sex trafficking. Over 23 years, Mam Khanyi has rescued over 12,000 vulnerable girls.

Currently, they have two homes in the suburbs of Johannesburg with 100 girls in full-time care.
Their vision is to end child trafficking in South Africa and the culture of exploitation and violence which robs children of their future and to restore safety, dignity and opportunity to those who have survived this abuse.

The girls are not only provided with a safe home environment but also access to educational resources. Promoting the importance of education is an important part of what they do. They help neglected girls enrol in school and obtain school uniforms and textbooks. Home of Hope for Girls recognises that educating girls goes a long way towards their independence and success in adulthood.

As part of the 180 Days of Giving Back initiative, Macmillan Education South Africa staff contributed toiletries, a much-needed item on the Home of Hope’s wish list. 100 care bags with a note to each girl that she is special were prepared. In each bag was also something sweet to enjoy and to forget about all the hardships of their lives.

On Saturday, 25 August, three representatives from Macmillan Education visited the Home of Hope where they met some of the girls and listened to Mam Khanyi’s heartwarming stories of hope.
“A girl’s background does not define her future and by giving her the change she has the potential to lead her community.” Mam Khanyi

Please follow the link below to watch a short video if you want to know more about the Home of Hope.