English World
English World is an internationally acclaimed 10-level English language learning series, seamlessly bridging the gap between primary and secondary education.
The course uses established best-practice methodology to encourage effective classroom teaching. Active, whole-class learning is supported by a systematic approach with a key focus on developing the four skills. Levels 1 to 6 of English World bring classrooms together by promoting and rewarding active participation. Using material from the authors of best-selling courses Way Ahead and Macmillan English, children will reach a high level of competency at a steady pace with plenty of room for practice and consolidation.
Key features
- Exclusive Grammar In Conversation modules introduce new language in meaningful contexts, from simple exchanges to complex conversations.
- Children can learn English through a range of age-appropriate topics, increasing their general knowledge through cross-curricular content.
- Portfolio and Diploma pages allow learners to keep a record of their achievements, actively encouraging them to learn more.
- A Home-School Connect programme takes learning beyond the classroom and enables parent-teacher interaction.
- Supplementary Dictionary and Grammar Practice Books consolidate classroom learning and enable self-study at home.
Učebnice (Pupil’s Book)
Na začátku každé je lekce je úvod, kde se žáci naučí první slova a obraty. Učebnice má celkem dvanáct lekcí, jedna lekce je rozvržena do přibližně 8 vyučovacích hodin. Každá vyučovací hodina má jasné téma a cíl. Skvělé graficky zpracované příběhy, rozhovory, písničky a básničky mají za úkol děti zaujmout a motivovat. Jednotlivé lekce doprovází Mr. Jolly v klobouku. Vždy po třech lekcích jsou zahrnuty lekce opakovací a projekty.
The English World Workbook continues on the fun and engaging activities from the Pupil’s Book helping to reinforce the exercises completed and material already learnt. The Workbook is designed to allow the children to work independently and the 'Learning to learn' section improves scanning and thinking skills.
Grammar Practice Book
The English World Grammar Practice Book contains further exercises to consolidate classroom learning and follow on from the Pupil’s Book and Workbook. It has been written for children to work on alone at their own pace and at their own level of ability. When the Grammar Practice Book is completed it becomes a useful reference and revision aid.
Teacher's Book
The English World Teacher's Guide contains step-by-step teaching notes for each lesson. These are arranged around facsimile pages of the Pupil's Book and Workbook, so that teachers can see how the material is intended to be used. Warm-ups for every lesson, Answer Keys for course components and useful classroom suggestions are also included.
Teacher's Guide + eBook Pack
The Teacher's Guide Pack contains step-by-step teaching notes for each lesson. Warm-ups for every lesson, Answer Keys for course components and useful classroom suggestions are contained within. Accompanying the Teacher’s Guide is a page-faithful, electronic version of the Pupil’s Book.
The English World Dictionary is designed to introduce children to the skills they will eventually need when using a standard dictionary. New vocabulary is presented unit by unit using a combination of illustrations, definitions and example sentences.
Twelve posters, one for each unit, accompany English World. The posters play a central role in the teaching of new vocabulary and the presentation of dialogues to promote fluency. Words are introduced with illustrations allowing the class to develop an understanding of them before they begin reading the text where the words are used in context.
The presentation of new vocabulary in English World is supported by A4 size Flashcards which can also be used for classroom games and activities to encourage learning.