Revision with Kahoot!
Kahoot! quizzes bring your language classes to life! You can use them to begin a class, as extension activities or a great way to end a lesson with a quick check of students’ knowledge.
The quizzes we have designed for you are not tests - they are fun activities that can lower students’ anxiety and create interaction in the classroom by motivating students to get involved, learn in a gamified environment and win points.
In our Back To School Kahoot! Collection there are 50 quizzes for Teenage and Adult Learners, and 40 quizzes for Primary students, and they come accompanied by a range of resources that will help you implement them in your classroom: from “How to” guides to webinars on how Kahoot! can add an extra flavour to your teaching.
Access Back to School Kahoot! Collection - Play
Download How to Guides - Download