Engaging Teenagers Day

“Teachers craft classrooms that are good matches for their teaching styles as well as for learner needs.”
Carol Ann Tomlinson

Teenagehood is a time of self-exploration on an epic scale. It’s a time when people find out who they are, what they like, how they behave, and so on. This makes the life of a teacher of teens renownedly difficult. How do you cater for every student, when every student is trying to stand out and carve their place in the world? 

In this special one-off event (2 hours total), we will be looking at how to motivate every teenager in your classroom, no matter your context. The event will also include a presentation of the findings from a recent study by Macmillan Education into what makes teenagers tick in 2023. 

If you teach teens, this really is a must-see event!

The event will take place live 3 times on Tuesday 14th November
at 10am, 3pm, and 10:30pm UK Time.

Register now!


Event details

  • Involving and Engaging ALL Our Students: Mission Impossible?

    When teaching groups of teenagers, perhaps the biggest challenge we face is how to include and involve each and every one of them and make sure they all make progress. This webinar will suggest a variety of approaches and activities to help do this, from simple everyday classroom management tips and tricks to newer approaches such as the use of Flipped Classroom videos and attention to Social and Emotional Learning.

  • Differentiation: The Key to Making Projects Work


    What are the key elements to make projects work in the teenage classroom? In this session, I’ll provide practical tips for making groups, assigning roles and providing choice in order to set up successful projects that are engaging for all teens!

  • Straight from the Source: A Conversation on Teenagers’ Interests, Hobbies and Opinions

    Join Maria in conversation with David and Usoa on how to engage teenagers in the language classroom based on important findings of recent research from the team at Macmillan Education on their interests, and the principles of differentiated instruction.




After the event all attendees will be able to access:

Personalised certificate

Free teaching resources

Session recording


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